Class blog for sharing and commenting on current events in biology.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Alex Londal
Bio Current Event

            On Thursday May 8th, I attended an event at Sarah Lawrence Collage called “The College Science Symposium”, a collection of posters regarding many different subjects.  Overall, I was surprised at how most of the posters had to do with either earth science or biology.  I saw things from proposed biking trails along the Bronx River to the link between BPA and prostate cancer.  It was a very informative event with a great variety of posters, and even a random drone flying around and hovering over people’s heads.  However, one of the posters really stood out to me.

            Saige Sunier made a presentation about the link of BPA to prostate cancer.   BPA is an artificial coating that is placed on plastics and discs, as well as many other common materials.  Years of extensive research have linked the two, although the FDA has not recognized it as a carcinogen.  However, it has been banned for being included in any baby product.  The University of Chicago has proven that the substance has induced a higher rating on the Gleason scale, which is a scale that measures the cancer rating in the body.  It also was shown to increase tumorous growths in cells, with a 20% chance of cancerous cells.  If a conclusive link can be formed, drug companies may be able to create a more effective treatment for the deadly disease.
            This study really hits home for me, as I hike and drink from Nalgene bottles, many of which contain BPA.  Also, the water bladder company Camelback uses BPA in creating their products.  These studies, which I will look into more in depth, may get me to take more care about what I am drinking out of.  All people who are outdoors hiking, skiing, or otherwise active should research this also.  Thank you Saige for notifying me of this incredibly harmful material. 

            Saige’s poster was well thought out, explaining what BPA is, how it is harmful, and how to identify what products they are in.  She had very credible sources and explained every thing in great detail.  She told me that she could have added more if not for the restrictions created by the size of the poster.  The only thing I thought she could do better is explain how the chemical really affects your cells and how it actually causes cancer.  Overall, Saige’s poster was incredibly well thought out and explained the link really well.

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