Ms. Davies, a graduate of Pelham
Memorial High School and Sarah Lawrence College, attended a summer research
program for science teachers this year, 2012, at Columbia University. When
matched with a lab, Ms. Davies chose to research cancer. Scientifically
speaking, cancer is defined as uncontrolled cell growth or abnormal cell
division. As a result of her decision, Ms. Davies was placed in the Irving
Cancer Research Center where she worked with Dr. Ben Tycko, Dr. Tamas Gonda,
and Angelica Cullo. In their lab, they worked with a medicine called Dacogen
(Dac) that is currently being used to treat certain blood cancers. They tested
whether or not it can also treat pancreatic cancer. Dac is supposed to lower
the amount of methylation, or the addition of a methyl group (CH3) to
the cytosine or adenine of DNA. In hypermethylation, tumor-suppressor genes,
which help prevent cancer, are turned off. In hypomethylation, oncogenes, which
contribute to cancer, are activated. Both forms of methylation are conducive to
cancer, yet are not just as simple as on-off switches. To test if the Dac would
succeed in demethylyzing the DNA of those with pancreatic cancer, Ms. Davies
and her colleagues performed a test involving mice bred with this illness. Some
of the mice were treated with the Dac, while the others were injected with PBS,
or salt water, to serve as a control group. After a couple weeks, the mice were
sacrificed and the pancreas of each was removed. The heavier the pancreas, the
more cancerous, so it was a great discovery to find that the Dac-treated
pancreases were much lighter than the PBS-treated ones. The Dac had worked!
However, it is still unknown if it will work this same way on humans. From this
experiment, several questions to be researched arose, such as, “Where is the
methylation happening?” as well as, “What genes are specifically being altered
by the Dac treatment?” To attempt at tackling these questions, Ms. Davies used
two main research techniques. One is called immunohistochemistry, which
involves staining, and the other is immunofluorescence, which involves using a
laser confocal microscope to take pictures showing wavelengths. From her
extensive work, many new questions were brought on, creating much room for
future study. Ms. Davies will be returning to the Columbia program next summer
to continue with further research.
conclusions formed from Ms. Davies’s research and where the studies can go from
here provides hopeful promise in defeating cancer, which would greatly affect
humanity. Cancer is the second leading cause of death (heart disease is number
one), so clearly, finding a cure would positively impact the lives of millions.
In fact, one of the sole reasons Ms. Davies chose to research cancer is because
her father had died of kidney cancer. At the time, she felt quite helpless
since she knew so little about the disease. Another reason she chose this
research path is due to the fact that cancer affects so many people, yet is
rarely taught in school. This is why it is currently Ms. Davies’s goal to
integrate the subject of cancer into her Core Biology and Living Environment
classes. Other steps she is preparing to take to spread her research includes
presenting it at the Partners in Science Conference in San Diego this January 2013.
Finally, Ms. Davies would also like to “continue testing different macrophage
markers to distinguish macrophage types.” Macrophages are a type of white blood
cells. They are a normal part of one’s immune system, but only some are
considered “good guys,” while the others are bad and can contribute to cancer. So
much can be done from here in this entirely new field of science, all of which
offers newfound hope in a cure for cancer.
Davies’s did a great job at presenting her information. Cancer is a complex
topic filled with many technical points and facts. Despite this, Ms. Davies was
very successful in explaining her discoveries, giving a good break down of complicated
ideas. I still did find some things a bit confusing. However, this is
understandable because Ms. Davies’s had the difficult task of taking all that
she learned from spending eight weeks at the Columbia summer program and trying
to explain it to a crowd that knows almost nothing about the subject in under
an hour. She was quite successful in doing so, which really impressed me. In my
opinion, the parts about the process of methylation and the Dac experiment on
mice were very well explained, as I found them pretty easy to follow from Ms.
Davies’s descriptions. Throughout the presentation, I was genuinely interested.
It was definitely very informative, and I learned a lot.
Caroline did an overall great job in this review. She included a great deal of facts that she learned without making it too long. Caroline’s second paragraph really connected to the presenter and brought context to the research. It is more interesting to learn about a subject when you start to feel some kind of connection, adding a slight emotion makes the review that Ms. Davies used during her presentation adds greatly to the review. I also liked how Caroline included some of the questions that were brought up from the research, this is better than just saying questions are brought up because maybe the reader does not know of any scientific questions that would arise. The critic of Ms. Davies it also very constructive and complementary, it points out both good and bad point that can help her with presentations in the future. I was impressed by Caroline’s confident tone in the knowledge of this subject. The words used are very complex but she seemed to know what she was talking about the entire time. Although I was at the presentation, getting to read about it makes what Ms. Davies said even clearer; it was like I was re-learning it all, which really surprised me. This was a great review, the one comment I would have is to try and make it easier to understand. It is hard to do because the experiment done in the lab it very complicated, however, using to many scientific terms can make it hard for people to know what is being said. If someone who did not know anything about cancer read this review they would not understand the procedure. Although it is hard to follow in the beginning, the rest of the review is well written and easy to understand.